Friday, January 25, 2013

Attention Kiddo:

Attention Kiddo: There will be no more climbing the kitchen cabinets using knobs as toe-holds to hoist yourself up. This is a direct order. I spent last week google-image-researching for the matching replacement knobs. Mr. UPS Man delivered them in the sleet today. I just replaced them tightly with a screwdriver. If you can't reach it, ask the Tall One to retrieve it for you. If he's not at home, ask Medium Tall. If he's not at home, slide a kitchen chair over. Signed, Your Loving Mother <3

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Our airline reservations are made. Cheryl marked today as #168 before the mission trip to Uganda. My heart skipped a beat and I had to just breathe it all in. There are pancake suppers, birthdays, SAT's, banquets, yard sales, First Communions, proms, graduations, lifeguard certifications, and middle school beginnings yet to mark time till July 11. Currently alternating between "the anticipation" & "the trembling in my boots." :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nests = Home

Daughter discovered this little nest upside down on the ground while we were out walking Piper. She knows how much I love these delicate natural works of art, so she carried it home carefully cupped in her hand. Along the way she asked why ...I like empty bird nests so much... and it made me think. Because I said, they remind me that no matter how much I love my home-- the nest that I carefully wove all cozy and tucked in with wonders I've discovered along the way-- they're only temporary. Empty bird nests remind me that homes themselves are temporary but the love that happens in them goes on forever. ♥

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Girl...

✿ Eleven years ago a precious baby girl slipped into our world on a Raleigh morning dusted beautifully white with fluttering snowflakes. Since her arrival she continuously astounds us, confounds us, and surrounds us with ✩JoY and GrAcE✩. Happy Birthday, dear Ashleigh Grace! ✿